Eddie's Kingdom is about a young boy that lives in an apartment building. One day he decides to draw his building and everyone that lives there. He walks around the apartment building and knocks on every door. Everyone he talks to is very mean and crabby at him. They blame him for noises, smoke, and screaming in the building. He apologizes for the interruptions even though it is not him playing his music really loud, grilling in his living room, or having a screaming baby. While is is there drawing everyone, he helps them to be less annoying to his neighbors. He opens the window in the smoky apartment and gives the man some headphones. After he is done drawing everyone he shows them his drawing and everyone laughs and loves it. Eddie has drawn them as animals! From then on they get along.
I like this book because it is more realistic than other children's books. It doesn't have as much of a middle class feel to it. The children that don't live in regular houses or condos can relate to this book more. I live in an apartment and really related to this book because I thought of all my crabby neighbors and the ones that are too loud. I think this book is a great get to know you book with your students because it will help them open up about where they live if they are shy.
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